Under the area PowerPointDesigner, we are notified with the following:

Turn On Automatic Suggestions From PowerPoint Designer Here, Or Ask For Design Suggestions Any Time By Clicking Design Ideas On The Design Tab.

All we need to do is to activate the check box at the left of the command where it mentions: Automatically Show Me Design Ideas.

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Once we activate or deactivate the check box, we press the OK button located at the bottom right corner of the PowerPointOptions dialog box, so the adjustments can take place and for us to return to our Presentation. Clip studio paint crack mac keygen.

Where Is The Design Tab In Powerpoint 2011 For Mac Edit Video

That is it! Quite simple and easy for us, so we can activate or deactivate the PowerPointDesignerFeature.

Below you can check out the video describing the feature How To Activate The PowerPoint Designer Feature in PowerPoint 365.

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